Three New Tags

The Start Attribute Tag

By default, an ordered list will start counting from One. The start attribute is used to start counting from a specified number:

  1. Feta
  2. American
  3. Swiss
  1. Feta
  2. American
  3. Swiss

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

<ol start="50">
<li> Feta </li>
<li> American </li>
< li > Swiss </li >

<ol type="I" start="50">
<li> Feta </li>
<li> American </li>
<li> Swiss </li>

I found this tag at

Expansion Panel Tag

This tag is used to add an expansion panel to the webpage.

Favorite Cheese

My favorite cheese is American.

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

< details >
<summary> Favorite Cheese </summary>
< p > My favorite cheese is American.  < /p > 
< /details >

I found this tag at

The Mark Tag

This tag is used to highlight something on a webpage.

American cheese is the most superior cheese.

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

 < p >
  American cheese is the most < mark > superior < /mark> cheese.
< /p >

I found this tag at